1,351 research outputs found

    Fine-tuning a context-aware system application by using user-centred design methods

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    Context-Aware Systems in the home environment can provide an effective solution for supporting wellbeing and autonomy for the elderly. The definition and implementation of the system architecture for a particular assisted living healthcare application entail both technological and usability challenges. If issues regarding users’ concerns and desires are taken into account in the early stages of the system development users can benefit substantially more from this technology. In this paper, we describe our initial experiences with different user-centred design methods, as they are applied in the process of fine-tuning a context-aware system architecture to improve quality of life for elderly THR patients (Total Hip Replacement). The insights resulting from this approach result in a clearer functional specification towards a better fit with the user needs regarding information need of the patient as well as the physiotherapist. Important system requirements as timing and content of the feedback are much more fruitful in an earlier phase of the development process. User-centred design methods help to better understand the needed functional features of a context-aware system, thereby saving time and helping developers to improve adoption of the system by the users

    Metodología de cálculo de NOx en generadores de vapor que queman gas natural

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    Este trabajo presenta la metodología para el cálculo de emisiones de NOx en un generador de vapor de 350 ton/h quemando gas natural y se investigan los métodos de control de NOx durante la combustión. Hoy en día es uno de los principales problemas de las plantas termoeléctricas puesto que genera un alto nivel de emisiones de óxidos de nitrógeno a la atmósfera. Esta metodología consiste en la determinación de los cuatro parámetros fundamentales que intervienen en la formación de NOx y son los siguientes: coeficiente de exceso de aire en la zona de combustión activa (ZCA) ¿ZCA, la temperatura promedio de la ZCA TZCA, el flujo de calor reflejado en ZCA qrefl ZCA y el tiempo de residencia de los gases en ZCA ¿ZCA. Para poder determinar estos parámetros se tiene que considerar la composición del gas natural, la transferencia de calor en el horno, las condiciones de funcionamiento y las dimensiones del generador de vapor, entre otros factores. Los cuatro parámetros principales se sustituyen en el polinomio experimental para el combustible en cuestión y, de esta forma, se puede determinar la emisión de NOx para los métodos de combustión que se analizarán en el presente artículo: recirculación de gases, diferentes lugares de introducción de gases de recirculación, combustión a dos etapas e inyección de agua


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    Manual para prácticas de laboratorio, taller u otra área de apoyo a la Docenci


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    Manual para prácticas de laboratorio, taller u otra área de apoyo a la Docenci


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    Manual para prácticas de laboratorio, taller u otra área de apoyo a la Docenci

    Bursitis del psoas-ilíaco

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    La bolsa serosa del psoas-ilíaco es una estructura anatómica bien definida, habitualmente presente en el adulto. La comunicación entre dicha bolsa y la articulación de la cadera se asocia frecuentemente a la coxartria. Presentamos un caso de agrandamiento de la bolsa serosa del psoas ilíaco en una paciente de 69 años. El diagnóstico de sospecha se estableció por la presencia de una masa inguinal y dolor de cadera. La ecografía y la T.A.C. confirmaron el diagnóstico. Tras la punción de la bolsa y la instilación de corticoides hemos obtenido la remisión de los síntomas.The iliopsoas bursa is a well-defined anatomic structure rarely absent in adults. Communication existing between the iliopsoas bursa and the hip joint is frequently associated with preexisting hip arthrosis. We present a case of iliopsoas bursa enlargement in a 69-yearold woman. The diagnosis was suspected by the presence of inguinal mass and hip pain. Echography, and later computed tomography confirmed it. The patient was successfully treated with aspiration of cyst content and steroid instillation

    Floating millenial chronologies of Pinus in the Sierra de Gredos (Spain)

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    This research has been carried out by some members of the “History and Dynamics of the Vegetal Landscape” Research Group of the Technical University of Madrid (Spain). The team has been working on the flora, vegetation and dendrochronology of the Sierra de Gredos (Ávila, Spain) for the last 20 years. Recently, we have implemented a new research field focused on the study of megafossils. All this data set has allowed us to develop an interpretation of the dynamics of mountain pine forests in this region

    Designing personal informatics for self-reflection and self-awareness: the case of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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    A main challenge in designing for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is to support the learning process of supressing undesired behaviour on daily routines by means of positive feedback and rewards. Personal Informatics (PI) is a model that supports capturing and integration of personal data to facilitate reflection and action that is used as a design platform to support behavioral learning. This paper presents a designdriven research study that illustrates the potential of PI to support selfawareness and self-reflection of ADHD children. Two design approaches are described which aim to support self-behavioral inhibition learning: (a) KITA, a Kinesiofeedback Toy for ADHD, being a Tangible User Interface that measures and assesses children’s activity and provides them with feedback as to whether or not behavior is within appropriate limits; and (b) WRISTWIT, a Wearable device presenting information on attention and time for ADHD to increase ontask behavior. KITA and WRISTWIT were tested in the field with children as design means to implement PI to positively modify children behavior during daily school routines